Build a more hopeful faith centred on Jesus. 

How do we view our theological foundations through a Jesus-centered lens? How do we forge an understanding of our faith centered first and foremost on the fullest revelation of God revealed in Jesus? The Jesus Centered Foundations Video Series is designed to equip leaders in your church or organization with a theological vision foundationally built on the words, works, ways, and person of Jesus of Nazareth. As with everything we do, the vision of these videos is not merely to dispense self-help tips or techniques wrapped in Jesus, but to equip leaders to become better followers of Jesus. 

This video series can be watched alone and is designed as a tool to empower and equip yourself and leaders within your influence with a theological and faith foundation built on the person of Jesus. Each video, with an approximate runtime of 30 minutes, is tailor-made for group engagement, serving as a catalyst for the initiation and progression of discipleship and leadership development within your unique ministry context. The series provides groups with eight segments that will conversationally explore a theological foundation through a Jesus-first perspective. Each segment comes with discussion questions to take the conversation deeper with a bias towards living it out.

Sessions include:

  • The Kingdom of God
  • The Trinity
  • Humanity
  • The Cross
  • The Spirit & the Church
  • Scripture
  • Eschatology
  • Discipleship and Mission

This series interrelates with two other resources you may find helpful. One is a preaching and podcast series on what we have been calling The Five Markers.” We believe these 5 themes are relevant ways of speaking about how Jesus meets the pain points of our cultural moment with hope. The other is a book-length treatment of these themes called Divine Gravity where Pastor Meghan Larissa Good invites us to think about what it looks like to recover a better Christian story. 

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