In preparation for UNITE 22, we asked our Partners and friends in the community what a Jesus-centred gospel means to them. Keep scrolling to check out what some of them had to say (including a video playlist at the bottom of the page).

Want to be part of the conversation? Join us at UNITE 22 from May 5 – 6 as we come together in-person and online to explore a Jesus-centred gospel and how we can apply it in our cultural moment.


It gives me job clarity and freedom because it’s my role to help people be with Jesus and to take down barriers that might prevent people from seeing Jesus. And when I can do that, and when I can be part of that, it’s just such a wonderful, winsome, and joyful process.” -Brad Sumner, Canada

I think what I love most is the way that Jesus seems to go out of his way to find those who feel they deserve the gospel the least. I love the way he brings the most extravagant best of heaven to people who feel they are disqualified, that they simply don’t deserve it. I think that’s something beautiful.” ‑Ade Gascoyne, England

It means that we start with Jesus. I think sometimes we can be tempted to start with other things, like what the Bible says, or church tradition, or covenants and creeds, and those things are all good and they’re all really helpful. But I think if we start with Jesus first, then other things can make sense when there’s a bit of grey or we’re not sure how to approach whatever it is we’re approaching.” -Jennifer McWilliams, Canada

As I reflect on the Jesus-centred gospel and what it means to me, the phrase that keeps coming to mind is the peace that surpasses understanding. This isn’t about my opinion or my ways or my vision of life being at the centre. This is about Jesus being at the centre. And when I allowed myself to make that shift and leaned more into Jesus being at the centre, it’s true that that peace just comes over. It’s that spirit of love and life and truth that changes everything.” -Carolyn Whatley, Canada

A Jesus-centred gospel creates a space to just demolish this debate between evangelism and justice. The gospel of Jesus says that we unapologetically care about spiritual transformation and social justice, spiritual needs and physical needs. And to me, a Jesus-centred gospel unapologetically holds both together.” ‑Dave Downey, United States

A Jesus-centred gospel centres the good news on the presence of God and His Kingdom with us. And with Jesus being the focal point, then this approach to the gospel enables the church to address the felt needs of the world while calling each and everyone to a life of discipleship after Jesus. The Jesus-centred gospel expands our imagination and equips us to adopt an other-oriented, self sacrificial way of life, of love within the community of the faithful.” -Edem Morny, Ghana

I think of a quote by James Baldwin: If the concept of God has any validity or any use, it can only be to make us larger, freer, and more loving.’ Jesus-centred good news is good news for everyone, and it’s only made real when we lift up the forgotten, free the oppressed, and love the marginalized. If Jesus shows us God’s heart, that’s a God that has real validity and use, in the sense that I am fully seen and embraced and can fully see and embrace those around me.” -Olivia Vanderwal, Canada

Jesus is Messiah. He’s saving the whole world. He came into the world not to condemn sinners, but to save them. And as it says in Colossians 1, in him, everything was created and is held together. All molecules and all atoms — everything. So if the church and if we as individuals can remember that Jesus is Lord and Messiah, then the centre will hold and humanity will flourish. And that is good news.” -Gideon Yutzy, England

To me, a Jesus-centred gospel means kind of bringing us back to a more pure Christianity — one that is centred on Jesus and that speaks to God’s true character. Because if, as Hebrews says, Jesus is the exact imprint of God, and as John says, God is love, then we know that if we just look to Jesus, we can see not only what love means but who God is.” -Jenny Fujita, United States

A Jesus-centred gospel is a reality that when we look at the life, the teaching, the death, and the resurrection of Jesus, we encounter this life changing, incredible, astounding truth that we are accepted, that we are loved, that we are embraced. And because of that, we can allow our identity, our purpose, and our priorities to be shaped by that life changing, astounding, incredible good news.” -Nate Vawser, Australia 

A Jesus-centred gospel tells the story of Jesus — his life, his teaching, his death, his resurrection, his ascension, and his second coming. To be telling the good news, the gospel, is to have the story of Jesus at the centre. We know we are telling the gospel when we explain the story of our lives through the story of Jesus.” -Paul Walker, Canada

​The Jesus-centred gospel means that I understand the way to overcome evil in this world and in my own heart is the Jesus way, the way of self-sacrificial love. It may look weak on the outside, but in fact it’s the power of God. A Jesus-centred gospel also means that I understand that the Holy Spirit speaks as the continuing voice of Jesus. Every experience hearing from God will lead me to continue his ministry and mission.” -Tania Harris, Australia