Phoenix Gathering — Agenda
Welcome! We are thrilled you are here. Here’s the agenda for our time together — we hope you have the best time!
Our agenda
Friday Morning — Leaders
8:30 — 9:00 — Doors Open / Check-In
9:00 — 9:30 — Worship
9:30 — 10:30 — Session One with Greg Boyd, Adam Dyer, and Meghan Good
10:30 — 10:45 — Break: coffee/snacks
10:45 — 12:15 — Session Two with Greg Boyd, Adam Dyer, and Meghan Good
Friday Afternoon — Leaders
12:15 — 1:15 — Lunch on campus
1:15 — 2:45 — Session Three with Greg Boyd, Adam Dyer, and Meghan Good
2:45 — 3:00 Break: coffee/snacks
3:00 — 4:15 Session Four with Greg Boyd, Adam Dyer, and Meghan Good
4:15 — 4:30 — Closing
Friday Evening — Everyone
6:30 — Doors Open / Check-In
7:00 — 7:25 — Worship
7:25 — 8:45
○ Part 1: God Looks Like Jesus with Greg Boyd
○ Part 2: How can centering on Jesus help us? with Adam Dyer
○ Small Group Discussion
○ Q&A with Greg and Adam
8:45 – 9:00 Closing
Saturday Morning — Everyone
8:30 — Doors Open / Check-In
9:00 — 9:20 — Worship
9:25 — 9:30
○ How does Jesus-centered power look different? with Jonny Morrison
and Cherish Hamilton
○ Small Group Discussion
○ Q&A with Jonny and Cherish
10:15 — 11:00
○ How does Jesus-centered justice look different? with Dina
Gonzalez-Pina and Kit Danley
○ Small Group Discussion
○ Q&A with Dina and Kit
11:00 — 11:15 — Break: coffee/snacks
11:15 — 12:05
○ How does Jesus-centered disagreement look different? with
Meghan Good and Adam Dyer
○ Small Group Discussion
○ Q&A with Meghan and Adam
12:05 — 12:20 — How is Jesus Collective positioned to partner with the
church? with Adam Dyer
12:20 — 12:45 — Worship and Prayer