Jesus Collective Blog
Tomorrow? The truth is we don’t know what happens tomorrow. It feels uncertain. Yes, we’ve weathered this season and are feeling the affects, the wounds, the division. It has all been a devastating disruption. It has been a shock to our system.…..The invitation waits. What will we do today? Will we turn to Jesus? Will we continue to heed his words? Tomorrow and everyday after will we receive the invitation from Jesus to journey with him on the narrow path? Yes, these days are shocking. The wounds are real. Yes, these days may be ridden with fear. Yet, the invitation awaits.
Power, Peacemakers, and Politics
This is not new, but we have a problem with power. Everyday we see stories of power being abused and misused…In a world where forgiveness was inaccessibly expensive for most, a forgiveness scam, Jesus came to establish a whole new forgiveness economy, for the everyone and anyone…Be people of peace. Be people of hope. And love courageously.
What Does 'Jesus-Centered’ Really Mean?
“The phrase “Jesus-centered” describes an approach to life and faith in which every belief
and practice is oriented according to Jesus as the North Star. Jesus is the yardstick
against which every truth-claim must be measured.”
War, what is it good for?
“I am drawn to the actions of Jesus who responded to the violence of an occupying super power, not with violence or rage, but with forgiveness and an invitation to be healed.”
The Jesus-Shaped Spirit for Discernment
Rather, Jesus said that the kingdom of God advances through prayer, good deeds, preaching the gospel and laying our lives down in self-sacrificial love. The outcomes of listening and following the Spirit will look like Jesus.
The Jesus-Shaped Spirit for Spiritual Growth
Today, this process is continued by the Jesus-shaped Spirit. Spiritual formation is “cross-shaped” — the Spirit speaks to nail our sin and selfishness to the cross.
The Jesus-Shaped Spirit for Discipleship and Mission
Though the process varies, the goal remains the same. Lives that reflect the nature of God in Christ. Mission that echoes the ways of Jesus. And communities where the kingdom of God is seen in the lives of others.
Upside Down Apocalypse
My contention is that Revelation, when read through the lens of the Gospels, will help us uncover the prophetic hope that saves us from nihilistic despair.
Did Jesus Say Be Silent? Starting With Jesus to Understand the Role of Women in the Church
When I read Scripture with a Jesus lens, I become fully persuaded of God’s desire for women’s full inclusion in all of church life.
Reflections on a Jesus-Centered Vision of Human Sexuality
In providing a distinct alternative to the approaches to sexuality available in his culture, Jesus continued the pattern of third way thinking that characterized his Kingdom message.